Parents & Citizens Association
Phone - (07) 4084 1333
Committee Contacts
President - Phoebe Kitto
Vice President - Cheyne Sellwood
Secretary - Veronica Reynolds
Treasurer - Andrea Brinklow
The members of the Parents and Citizen’s Association (P&C) welcome new and current families to the community of Mossman. We believe that parents can make a difference at our school. The P&C places great value on all members of our community and parents and caregivers; you are most important to us.
We encourage you to play an active role in your child’s education. Your involvement will lead to improved student learning - intellectually, socially and emotionally. It is also your right to participate and to be part of decision making at our school.
Please complete and return the P&C membership form (PDF, 308 KB).
P&C Meetings
P&C meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month from 5.00pm in the Staff Common Room in the Administration Building. Attending these meetings will provide you with a comprehensive idea of how our school works and a valuable opportunity to make real contributions to our school community.
P&C Meetings for 2025 are -
February 20th
March 13th (Annual General Meeting)
May 8th
June 12th
August 14th
September 11th
October 16th
November 13th
The tuckshop operates five days a week and is located at front of the school. Currently, we employ one full time managing convenor and three casual assistants. We endeavour to keep the prices low especially compared to Café prices and adhere to the Healthy Choices policy.
The more volunteers we have, the more profit we make and therefore the more funding we can donate to the school. We encourage parents, grandparents or carers to volunteer just one day each year. This would be a great saving on wages and associated costs. It is also an excellent way of socially interacting with the school community, working with other parents and meeting other students and staff.
Please view and download the Tuckshop menu (PDF, 815 KB).
The Future
Maintaining a healthy, efficient and profitable Tuckshop is important to the P&C as the Tuckshop is the main fundraiser for our Association.
The P&C look forward to a bright future working in partnership with the staff of Mossman.